Thursday, September 27, 2012

Final walk through

Final walk through complete, everything looks pretty good. Signing titles tomorrow, and will received the keys on Wed. Very stressful week.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


So I stopped by on Sunday morning, and was surprised to see the garage door open???? Now we all know they weren't in there working on Sunday. I have seen them working on Sat. So of course I went up and surprise the damn door wasn't even locked, it so hard to shut the garage door when they are done...Or lock the interior door...Pisses me off. Don't see them leaving all there tools out in the open over the weekend, so why leave my house open.... On the other hand I went in and took a bunch of it worked out...and I SHUT THE GARAGE DOOR WHEN I LEFT....

Saturday, September 15, 2012

It's done..

Well, it's done. They have the next two weeks to go through and correct and boo-boo's they find before we walk through. We walk through on Sept 25th. And keys will be Oct 3rd. I tried to get pics but it is locked up now, and the pics I took through the window didn't come out. So I will try again tomorrow for some pics..I just assume move today..Hate waiting...

Friday, September 7, 2012

Floors going in....driveway...

A/C in noticed that they used some crappy sticky playdoh crap to seal the hole around where the piping comes in the house instead of spray foam...Going to have to have that fix..

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Getting closer

Well it's getting close... Oct 3 we get the keys. The other day while snooping around the house we noticed some scraps, dings, and it looks like the painters went a little crazy with overspray and got our kitchen cabinets....I will try to get the pics up...but in all fairness we do our walk through on the 26th, so the have till then to make it right...Stopping by tommorrow morning and will hopefully have pics tomorrow afternoon.