Saturday, August 4, 2012

And it begins

I am starting this late but, that's the story of my life. (Here is the short fast and get you up to date version) In April we went into a KHOV model home, and loved it. We set up a appointment, and so began this journey. At this appointment we found out there was one lot left on the street we wanted to live. So of course we bought it. Over the next two months we picked the house and the basic set up. The plans where drawn up and signed.
In June we went to the design center and chose our carpet, flooring, counters, cabinets, sinks, colors, we chose everything. It was very stressful and extremely fun. But you have to be careful if you are a normal guy with a normal budget, cause it is very easy to get carried away.

On June 20, the digging began....
So exciting when they actually start to move earth for your home. Footers in...Next the basement walls..
Just had the electrical walk through added 1055.00 of electrical. And the electrician was very nice and also lives in a KHOV home just down the street.

So far so good. I get a weekly update every Friday from the construction manager, which is really nice. And so far no complaints, more pics to come.

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